1068-51 Window & Screen Door Replacements at Sites Bailey Place, Babcock Terrace & Lockman Heights

The Work generally is for the Window and Security Door Replacement at the Babcock, Lockman, and Bailey Place Sites in Malvern, Arkansas. The Units will be occupied.
Bid Documents (click to expand/collapse)
One (1) complete set of bidding documents, drawings, and specifications in electronic or paper format shall be obtained from Memphis Reprographics, 6178 Macon Road, Memphis, TN 38134, telephone (901) 381-9811 for a fee. Bid documents are not refundable. However, bid documents may be viewed on-line prior to purchasing them. All bids must be submitted on forms furnished by the PHA, as contained in the Project Manual and detailed within.
Name Size
Project Manual - 1068-51 11.5 MB