Chipotle – Bartlett Stage Centre

New Construction Core & Shell Building for Chipotle
Bid Documents (click to expand/collapse)
Hard copy sets of plans are available for purchase, or files may be downloaded for free from our online plan room. To download files, you must register for a free account, if you already have an account, simply log in and select “Download” this entire job. Then proceed to the download queue on the left menu bar to receive your downloaded files. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862.
Order this section, price will be calculated by SQFT
Name Size
001 G000 1.1 MB
002 G001 219.8 KB
003 G010 276.4 KB
004 G011 448.6 KB
005 G012 444.1 KB
006 G013 420.1 KB
007 G014 451.1 KB
008 G015 442.0 KB
009 G016 455.5 KB
010 C000 831.5 KB
011 C100 2.1 MB
012 C110 1.4 MB
013 C120 1.2 MB
014 C130 1.2 MB
015 C140 1.1 MB
016 C501 1.0 MB
017 L100 1.4 MB
018 SP100 270.5 KB
019 SP101 222.8 KB
020 SP102 327.9 KB
021 A100 435.8 KB
022 A101 210.1 KB
023 A140 252.2 KB
024 A201 222.6 KB
025 A301 393.6 KB
026 A302 367.4 KB
027 A401 515.6 KB
028 A402 354.5 KB
029 A403 288.0 KB
030 A406 286.1 KB
031 A407 221.3 KB
032 A601 259.7 KB
033 A602 273.2 KB
034 A900 8.1 MB
035 S000 293.0 KB
036 S100 342.6 KB
037 S110 289.5 KB
038 S200 439.1 KB
039 S201 392.8 KB
040 S202 274.4 KB
041 S203 286.2 KB
042 P010 676.1 KB
043 P100 723.9 KB
044 E010 672.4 KB
045 E105 712.4 KB
046 E115 731.1 KB