City of Brownsville – Hatchie Street Repaving

The work includes necessary pavement repair (full depth repair), existing pavement preparation, milling where required, catch basin rework, manhole & valve box adjustments, sweeping, tack coat, asphalt pavement overlay, and pavement striping, including driveway/roadway transitions.
Bid Documents (click to expand/collapse)
Hard copy full sets of plans and specifications are available for purchase at contractors expense, or files may be downloaded for free from our online plan room. To download files, you must register for a free account, if you already have an account, simply log in and select “Download” this entire job. Then proceed to the download queue on the left menu bar to receive your downloaded files. For questions about accessing the documents please contact Memphis Reprographics at 901-590-4862.
Name Size
Project Manual - 23173 2.7 MB