TC2024-35 AMI Towers & Network Equipment Installation
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date | 11/6/24 9:00am |
Bid Date | 12/4/24 2:00pm |
Company & Contacts
Collierville, TN
Bid Information:
THE BID OPENING DATE HAS BEEN MOVED TO DECEMBER 4, 2024. Complete bid packages are available from the Procurement Division, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Interested parties may visit the Procurement Division’s Bid and RFP webpage at or call 901-457-2250 for further solicitation information.
Deadline for sealed bids, submitted to the Procurement Division, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017, is as noted per project listed above. The bids will then or soon thereafter be publicly opened and read aloud in the Town Board Chambers at 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, Tennessee.
The Town of Collierville is seeking bids for the installation of Neptune® R900® Gateway Collector Systems at eleven (11) site locations and the installation of two (2) 100’ aluminum towers provided by the contractor. These systems will be installed to facilitate automated water meter reading, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of water consumption monitoring.
The project will consist of the contractor providing all labor, materials, and equipment required for installation of Town provided eleven (11) Neptune® R900® System fixed network data collectors and related UPS systems, solarpower systems, collector antennas, and associated equipment.